Saturday, February 6, 2010

Welcome...Both you and me!

Bonjour! I'm Erin Butterfield, Erin Butters, Buttsey, Butters, Errie Berrie (if i get lucky enough that my bro calls me that!), Baby Butters, and whatever else people can think of...
I am passionate about basically everything in my life. I'm passionate about learning, passionate about making a difference, passionate about my friends and family, passionate about music and writing. The list goes on, but that's the basis of it.
I started this blog, thanks to my cousin Natalie! ( I saw her blog, and was like uhmm yah i gotta get one. I had a tumblr, but it was kinda lame...not to be a hater, but it was confusing and people just reblogged instead of creating. CREATION is the way we change, the way we survive, not redoing/repeating/ here I am.
I hope to update this as often as possible with all sorts of stuff. Human Rights and Social Justice is something HUGE in my life, so I will of course be talking about that. I write poetry, fiction, and the occasional song, so maybe if i'm confident enough you'll be seeing some of that too. Just talk to me, i love expressing myself, and i hope you enjoy reading!

peace, faith, joy, love


  1. How exciting - I can't wait to read all that you're passionate about! Great start, Erin. And, I love the photo :)

  2. Write on! Love you to the moon and back ;-)

  3. is this better than tumblr??

  4. oh hey! thats me! :D
    really excited to read more!

  5. I'm looking forward to a post on your time at the United Nations!

    Aunt Julie
