Monday, February 8, 2010

Late On 8

Hey folks! (don't u like my little southern vocab?)
So today my mama came to me with a very important story, that i thought i should share with you. 
She was making a delivery at one of her regular accounts and she noticed a parked car with its headlights left on. She looked at the car so as to describe it to the people in the office, and she noticed a "Yes on 8" and "McCain/Palin" stickers. She could have just letting the guys' battery run out but decided not to be petty. (btw for everyone that doesn't know, my moms are lesbian). She went inside to the guy at the desk, a nice man who she sees regularly, and says "do you know anyone who drives an older Toyota Corolla and...(pause for dramatic effect as my eyes gaze up from the desk to meet his in a locked stare) is against gay marriage?" 
"Oh! That's mine."
"...Your lights are on."
"Thank you!"
She makes her way back to her truck, and when he comes out she hovers politely to see if his car will start. It doesn't and they commiserate briefly. Linda then offers her hand to shake and say, "I'm Linda and I'm gay. I've been with my partner for 19 years and we have 2 kids. How is the way I live my life threatening to you?"
His answer: "My father is a minister and I believe every word of the Bible to be true. You're one of the nicest people I've ever's nothing personal."
As Linda climbed into her truck, she thought, "'Believing every word of the Bible to be true is
very personal.' It's a personal belief that dictates a tremendous amount of how one lives one's life. I know he meant that he doesn't hold anything against me "personally" but it really made me think about the obvious disconnect. For all the doubts and questions I face in life, I'm grateful for the struggle that leads me to my own beliefs rather than a set of dictates handed down to me."
When Linda asked this I asked her what he was wearing, and no I wasn't trying to see if he was a hick or something, I wanted to see what kinda of fabric her wore. Linda reported back saying that he was wearing a plain t-shirt, and jeans. So cotton and denim, I see....that's funny that he believes every word of the bible to be true...because in the bible it clearly states that one must never wear two difference types of fabric together. What now, I bet mister Yes on 8 didn't read that part of the Bible, or perhaps just felt that it wasnt a current issue. Dang right it's not a current issue, and neither should Prop 8 be one!!! I mean if you just pick and choose what you want from the Bible, that's not very Christian is it? You can interpret what you read, but you shouldn't make other people live their lives a certain way just because you are too close minded to except change. Although homosexuality isnt a change, it has ALWAYS been around. I am doing a research project in psychology class on if our sexuality is hardwired, so far it looks like it is, but I will report back with more.
suck on that... okay sorry that was a bit harsh, he is clearly a nice guy, but i just think everyone should really know what they're doing when they take away someone's rights, and really think... do they want that to be done to them? Nope! 
okay thanks for listening to this rant.. i hope you made it all the way through...this is important stuff people!!

peace, love, faith, and joy


  1. Wow - what can I say except, "Right On, Linda!" and "I am so proud of you, Erin!" The more we ask the questions, tell our stories and are open and honest, the sooner people will hear and understand.

  2. go aunt linda! verbally kicked that guys ass lol
    and you should tell him to read "the year of living biblically." It's a really cool book about a guy who spends a year living by every rule in the bible literally, including not shaving or cutting his hair, putting sheeps blood on his doorframe, and like you mentioned, not wearing mixed fabrics. it's a really good book!

  3. thanks natalie that book sounds super intriguing! and thanks for mentioning me :)

  4. Nice post, Erin! I second Natalie's recommendation. I'm going to start following your blog. You've got a lot to say!

    Aunt Julie
